Over the years, the Village Hall Committee has put on various food nights, spice nights and good meals. Many of you may remember the glorious Spanish, Mexican, North African and Curry Nights. Well, we are going to dine a little closer to home this year and have an Italian night. Led by Chris Grant, a team of volunteers is already planning an Italian menu for the evening comprising:
Antipasto: The appetizer, which translates to "pre-meal".
Primo: The first main course, which is usually a filling dish like pasta or risotto. Primo means "first" in Italian.
Secondo: The second main course, which consists of small portions of meat, chicken, or fish. Secondo means "the seconds" because it's served after the primo.
Contorno: The side dish.
Dolce: The dessert, which is usually one or two small, sweet dishes like cookies, biscotti, gelato, or fruit.
As ever, everything will be cooked from scratch, and the desserts are likely to be much more generous than a biscotti. And no pizzas, just in case you were hoping. Italian wine has been purchased to oil the wheels along.
Tickets are £12 from Mike Foran. Call him on 01453 763330 or email tickets@pitchcombe.com